Interpersonal relationships and emotion in pregnant teens.
Interpersonal relationships, pregnant adolescents, emotions.Abstract
In the present article, the research work carried out with pregnant teenagers from the Simón Bolívar neighborhood in the city of
Cúcuta, between the ages of 12 and 21 years old, was captured. The research was carried out with the objective of analyzing the effects of
interpersonal relationships on the emotionality of pregnant teenagers. This study was carried out with qualitative methodologies, data collection
with interview techniques, focal group and documentary analysis, the respective instruments were validated by expert judgement, and the minors
attended, as well as the parents of the minors authorized by means of consent the participation in the investigation as informant. The results
reveal behavioral variations in the adolescent's system or subsystems specified in family, couple and friends, as well as the identification of
perspective and future projection.
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