The key ideas of the normative approach (The Foresight Root) and its relationship to full-range leadership theory




normative approach, leadership styles, leadership, leader, foresight, full-range leadership theory, calculated risk, vision, decision making


The Normative Approach is essential to the cognitive processes of organizational leaders in making complex decisions for the future. These decisions are based on Hume's Dichotomy and utilitarian human rationality, affecting the organizational collective. The Normative Approach relies on leadership and Foresight competence.
Leadership and its styles are crucial to the success or failure of the organization. This article explores the relationship between leadership, Foresight and the Normative Approach, highlighting the importance of the leader's vision in decision making. The Full Range Leadership Theory (TLRC), which includes Transformational, Transactional and Laissez-faire Leadership styles, is analyzed. The Foresight competency enables leaders to anticipate and manage complex problems.
The Normative Approach, based on human rationality and consensus on the common good, enables the leader to create a shared vision with followers and manage uncertainty in decision making. The article shows that leadership, TLRC leadership styles and the Foresight competency are fundamental to the Normative Approach, helping leaders develop and share a strategic vision, improving organizational decision making.
The research concluded that the Foresight leadership competency enables the organization to define its future direction and align collective efforts, improving decision making and managing uncertainty. Transformational and Transactional Leadership styles favor collaborative work and avoid non-collaboration. The Laissez-faire style is effective in organizations with highly capable members, fostering trust and working together. The combination of these leadership styles is crucial to achieve organizational vision and improve scientific decision making.


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How to Cite

C. A. Contreras-Monroy and F. J. Osorio-Vera, “The key ideas of the normative approach (The Foresight Root) and its relationship to full-range leadership theory”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 222–233, May 2024.



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