
  • Revista Cuidarte

    Cuidarte Journal is an open-access international scientific publication, mediated by external peers.  We are a Journal that disclosures scientific knowledge of nursing and other health sciences by means of the research articles publication, systematic reviews and meta-analysis involving topics of interest that promote the generation of new knowledge and they are useful for the solution of problems in the proposed topic. Occasionally you will receive writings whose reflections contribute to the articulation of theory with practice. Manuscripts submitted should not have been previously sent to other publications (electronic or printed). The content of the articles must meet the criteria of originality, novelty, and methodology.

  • AiBi Journal of Research, Administration and Engineering

    AiBi, Journal of Research, Management and Engineering is an international scientific journal published every four months, in electronic format, which seeks to disseminate knowledge in the areas of Engineering and Technology, especially in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science, Environmental Engineering and other Engineering and Technologies, and in the area of Social Sciences, specifically in Economics and Business and Educational Sciences. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be products of research, review and reflection that can be submitted in Spanish or English for subsequent peer review.

    The Journal provides immediate open access to its content, in order to promote a greater global exchange of knowledge, and therefore does NOT charge for submission or processing of papers. It is aimed at the national and international academic and scientific community, as well as decision-makers in the governmental and business spheres, and other people with interest in the topics addressed. AiBi aims to become a reference of high scientific quality with recognition from the national and international academic community.

    Periodicity: Quarterly.
    ISSN: 2346-030X.

  • Innovaciencia

    INNOVACIENCIA is an international open-access scientific journal in basic and applied sciences, publishing high-quality original research articles, short scientific communications, and systematic reviews, in areas such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science. It has an editorial team that offers rapid communication and a publication period of no more than 6 weeks, without charging publication fees. Additionally, it has an accelerated indexing plan to important international databases, which has allowed research published in the journal to become increasingly visible and accessible to a global audience of researchers. In particular, it has been of great interest to researchers in Middle Eastern and Asian regions. The journal is dedicated to publishing research that has a significant impact on the scientific community and society in general. Therefore, researchers from all parts of the world are welcome to submit their work for consideration and publication in the journal.

    E-ISSN: 2346-075X

    Indexed in: Scopus, DOAJ, REDIB, Google Scholar, Miar, Latindex.