La relación entre la calidad de la forma de la vivienda urbana y las dimensiones subjetivas de la identidad del lugar (Estudio de caso: Zahedan Independent Housing)
Background and Aim: Lack of identity and a sense of attachment to housing are some of the hidden problems that enhance long-term feelings of hopelessness in the inhabitants of these environments. The mental-emotional relationship with the environment leads to the increase of the environment life quality. The purpose of this study is to be aware of mental quality of housing in the inhabitants of Zahedan independent housing and to identify the qualitative factors influencing the residents' identity in their residential environment. Materials and Method: The purpose of this study was applied in terms of purpose and survey in terms of method. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire and its validity was confirmed by face validity and its reliability coefficient was 0.78 using Cronbach's alpha test. The statistical population of the study consisted of residents of some areas in Zahedan city and the sample size was 240 that were distributed and completed. Findings and Results: The hypotheses test showed that the variables such as attachment to place, satisfaction, sense of belonging, explain the semantic dimension of place identity and have a significant and positive relationship with the form quality of housing is affected by the cognitive dimensions of residents. The results showed that the mean of individuals' identity to their living space was 1 <3.17> 5 which was higher than average. The results indicate that the significance level of the test for all variables except memory is less than 5% error level. It can be said that the degree of identity of sense of attachment to place and satisfaction varies in different regions, but the degree of memory in different regions is not different. The LSD post hoc test was also applied to investigate whether identity, sense of belonging, attachment to place, and satisfaction were different in the two regions. Finally, the results showed that there was a significant difference in identity in some regions.
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