The Scientific Committee of the Journal acts as an advisory body to the Editorial Board and is composed of representatives of the national and international academic and scientific community.

The selection of the Committee is made through candidates presented to the Editorial Board and the editor, which may be ratified by the Editorial Committee of the Journal.

The members of the Scientific Committee will be national and international researchers with extensive experience and high scientific qualities, according to the following criteria


  • Scientific advice to the Editorial Committee when requested.
  • Dissemination and promotion of the publication and the contents of the journal in national and international circles
  • Review of manuscripts or refer other experts as peer reviewers.
  • Proposals for improvement to the editorial committee.
  • Propose strategies for the continuous improvement of the journal's quality.
  • Represent the journal in national and international forums.
  • Execute strategies for the continuous improvement of the journal's quality.
  • Obtain collaborations from potential authors.

PhD Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales. Fundación Universitaria Autónoma de las Américas. (Colombia)

PhD Karim Zare. Islamic Azad University. (Iran)

PhD David Laroze. Instituto de alta investigación de Tarapaca. (Chile)

PhD Jans Alzate-Morales. Universidad de Talca. (Chile)

PhD José José Barba Ortega. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. (Colombia)

PhD Claudia Magaly Sandoval. Universidad de Santander-UDES. (Colombia)

PhD German Zafra. Universidad Industrial de Santader- UIS. (Colombia)

PhD Hossein Ghayoumi Zadeh. Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan. (Iran)

PhD Hamilton Carrillo Nuñez. Cpmputational Sciense at FLUXIM AG. (Suiza)

PhD Rafael Bonfante-Cabarcas. Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado. (Venezuela)

PhD Omid Rahmani Seryasat. Department of Electrical Engineering, Shams Higher Education Institute. (Iran)

PhD Zesergio Melo. Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Occidente, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. (México)

MsC Harvy Mauricio Velasco Parra. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. (Colombia)

PhD Francisco Martinez-Perez. Universidad Industrial de Santander-UIS. (Colombia)

PhD Usama Konbr. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University. (Egypt)  

PhD Julio Cèsar Carvajal Rodríguez. Universidad de Santander-UDES. (Colombia)  

PhD Mahdi Ghane. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Marine Technology. (Norway)





Innovaciencia is pleased to announce an open call for the expansion of its Scientific Committee, in order to strengthen the quality and excellence of the journal.

The Scientific Committee will be composed of international experts with extensive experience in basic and applied sciences, including areas such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science. Its responsibility will be to advise and evaluate the content of the journal, thus ensuring the quality and scientific rigor of the published articles.


  • Be an expert in one or more knowledge areas related to the journal's profile.
  • Have experience in research and publication of scientific articles in indexed journals.
  • Have a good command of the English language.
  • Availability to participate in the evaluation of scientific articles.
  • Have an h5 index higher than 10 in the last five years.


  • Participation in a high-quality editorial project recognized internationally.
  • Opportunity to contribute to the development of science and research in your field of specialization.
  • Possibility to establish contacts and cooperation networks with other experts and professionals from around the world.

Those interested in participating in this ongoing editorial and scientific process should send their Curriculum Vitae and a letter of intent (including ORCID, GoogleScholar, ResearchGate, ...) to the email address

Additionally, please register using the following form: