Open acces policy

INNOVACIENCIA offers free and immediate access to its content with the aim of supporting knowledge exchange. The content is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which allows unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original author and source are properly cited.
Therefore, it is an open access scientific publication for all readers, at no cost. Likewise, it does not charge authors any sum of money for the processing of the articles (APC) or for the publication of the articles.

Online submission

To submit your work, please use our online system on the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. You can upload all the contents of your submission using this platform. The editorial team will evaluate your submission and conduct online refereeing using the electronic files you have submitted. Once the process is complete, we will inform you of the editorial decision regarding your manuscript (Link).

Self-archiving policy

INNOVACIENCIA has an archiving system that allows the preservation and restoration of manuscripts published in the OJS; They perform reliable and cost-effective preservation of electronic resources, ensuring that their content is accessible to researchers in the future.


Innovaciencia adheres to the criteria established by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). As such, authorship should fulfill all 4 criteria: 1) conception and design or acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work; 2) drafting the work or revising it critically; 3) approval of the final version AND 4) accountability for all aspects of the work. Contributors that do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgement section.

Each of the authors must describe their role in the manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have agreed to the submission of the manuscript, but all should take responsibility for its content. Only one of the authors should be the corresponding but more than one can be identified as ‘Equal first authors. It is mandatory to communicate to the editor the contributions of each author at the time of submitting the article, to do so you must fill out the following format (Link)

The list and order of authors should be carefully considered when submitting the manuscript. Any change (addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors) during the evaluation process must have a reasonable and strong argument in addition to a written agreement of all previous authors. Authorship changes are not allowed after acceptance of the manuscript.

Similarity index policy

INNOVACIENCIA uses iThenticate to check for plagiarism and enforces a similarity limit of 20% as per Editorial Policy. 

Claim policy

Readers and authors are kindly requested to inform INNOVACIENCIA in case any errors are detected in a publication, particularly those that may affect the interpretation of data. Corrections will be published and in case of significant errors that might invalidate the work, a retraction will be considered for publication.

Conflict of interests

Every author is required to disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that have the potential to impact the findings or conclusions presented in their manuscript. Similarly, editors and reviewers should also declare any conflicts of interest that could affect their impartiality while evaluating the manuscript.

Additionally, all financial sources of the project must be mentioned. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that require disclosure include, but are not limited to, employment, consulting, stock ownership, fees, paid expert testimony, patent or registration applications, and grants and other funding.

Authors and reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest by communicating them to the editor of the journal at the time of submitting their article. This declaration should be made public as early as possible and follow the format provided by the journal (Link).

Copyright and intellectual property

INNOVACIENCIA is a scientific journal that allows unlimited use, distribution, and reproduction of its content, provided that the original author and source are cited and credited. However, any other form of use such as reproduction, transformation, public communication, or distribution with profit-making purposes requires prior authorization from Universidad de Santander - UDES.

The names and email addresses collected by INNOVACIENCIA will only be used for the purposes stated by the journal and will not be available for any other purpose or person.

It should be noted that the articles published in INNOVACIENCIA represent only the authors’ criteria and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Universidad de Santander – UDES. In terms of copyright, the original author holds the copyrights on his or her article, but INNOVACIENCIA reserves the commercial publication rights as well as the rights to publish article compilations.

The author must sign a copyright agreement before the publication, and the intellectual property will be protected.

Policies on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Innovaciencia is an advocate for the use of artificial intelligence tools by authors to enhance the efficiency and quality of their research and scientific article writing. However, authors are expected to use these tools ethically and responsibly while complying with the standards of scientific rigor and quality. Authors are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy and validity of the results generated by AI tools and must follow the specific policies and guidelines of the journal for article submission. Please note that the journal does not assume responsibility for the results generated by the AI tools used by the authors.

Additionally, authors should provide a thorough description of how they used AI-supported tools in their research and how they integrated them into the scientific article writing process. It is necessary to mention and reference the use of AI-supported tools, and the obtained results should be reproducible and backed up by a rigorous analysis of the data. Authors should also be mindful of the possible biases and limitations of the AI tools used and explain how they addressed them to ensure the reliability of the results. For more information, consult the guidelines established by COPE and to which Innovaciencia adheres (Authorship and AI tools).