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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. Manuscript according to the publication type. Verify that you are using the appropriate format for the type of publication you are submitting: Original Scientific and Technological Research Article, Short Communication, or Systematic Review and that you have considered the guidelines outlined for each of them.
  • 2. References. If you check that your manuscript follows the Vancouver style, please follow the author's guidelines for proper citation references.
  • 3. Ethical Considerations. Please note that in research involving humans and/or animals, an item on ethical considerations should be included in Materials and Methods. In this item, specify: the protocols followed by the study, the name of the Ethics Committee that approved the study, and the registration number or minutes assigned. In such a case that applies for your research. Mention collection permits for microorganisms, plants, and animals.
  • 4. When submitting the original article, short communication, or systematic review, remember to upload the following files:

    *Manuscript. (Original version with authors' data)
    *Manuscript. (Anonymous versión: no author´s data).
    *Form 1. Originality, Authorship, and Conflict of Interest
    *Form 2. Ethical Principles
    *Cover letter. Follow the author's guidelines for writing its content.
    *Figures In original format that allows layout. Follow the author's guidelines to review the features requested by Innovaciencia.
    *Supplementary Figures. (Just if it´s requiered). Follow the author's guidelines to review the features required by Innovaciencia
    *Supplementary Tables. (Just if it´s requiered). Follow the author's guidelines for its construction and review the features required by Innovaciencia
    *Endorsement of the Ethics Committee (Upload this document in case it applies for study)

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors: Link

If you wish to make a new submission, you must register in the journal (register), or if you are already registered you can simply identify yourself, if you have any inconvenience to do so, please communicate it to the e-mail

INNOVACIENCIA is an international scientific dissemination publication aimed at publishing scientific manuscripts and reviews in Spanish and English, in fields such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science, with a focus on basic and applied research that contributes to generating new knowledge and is useful for problem-solving, and has not been submitted to other electronic or print publications. 

The manuscripts must be unpublished and submitted exclusively to Innovaciencia, under the Open Journal System (OJS), which reserves all programming, printing or total or partial reproduction (copyright) rights of the material. The opinions of the authors are their sole responsibility and do not represent the criteria of the journal or the University of Santander. 


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The names, affiliation data, and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established therein and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.