The effect of synthesized chitosan grafted poly (N-L-lactide) on human genetic material


  • Al-Lami H S Hadi S. Al-Lami, University of Basrah
  • Saleh A A Afrodet A. Saleh, University of Basrah
  • Jalal M A Mahir A. Jalal, University of Basrah
  • Mutasher S H Sara H. Mutasher, University of Basrah



Grafting copolymerization; L-Lactide; Chitosan; DNA; hsp-70 gene


Introduction: Chitosan is one of the natural polymers can generally consider as a biocompatible and biodegradable polycationic
polymer, which has minimum immunogenicity and low cytotoxicity. Therefore, chitosan and its derivatives may represent potentially safe cationic carriers for use in gene delivery. Materials and
Methods: Chitosan with 90.1 DD% obtained by deacetylation of
chitin extracted from local shrimp shells. Graft copolymerization
of L-lactide onto chitosan was carried out at room temperature by
ring opening polymerization under a nitrogen atmosphere to prepare chitosan-g-poly (N-lactide) graft copolymer. It was obtained
in good yield and characterized by FTIR. The samples purity and
concentration were detected using both Nanodrop UV-spectroscopy and agarose gel electrophoresis techniques. The human
heat shock proteins gene, hsp-70, was used as a model of human
genes to study the effect of chitosan-g-poly (N-lactide) graft copolymer. Results and Discussion: The results revealed that chitosan-g-poly (N-lactide) graft copolymers had safety effect on the
DNA, and binding with it. the human heat shock proteins gene,
hsp-70, was used as a model of human genes to study the effect
of chitosan-g-poly (N-lactide) graft copolymer, it shows a good
binding ability the human gene, implies that it might be used in
biomedical applications in the future. Conclusions: Grafting of
L-lactide onto chitosn by ring opening polymerization was confirmed by FTIR. The repared polymer hase safety effects
on human DNA and genes. The chitosan-g-poly (N-lactide) graft
copolymer has shown highly efficiency to electrostatic interaction
with human DNA and gene, implying that it is suitable to be used
as DNA and gene delivery.

Author Biographies

Al-Lami H S, Hadi S. Al-Lami, University of Basrah

Hadi S. Al-Lami, University of Basrah

Saleh A A, Afrodet A. Saleh, University of Basrah

Afrodet A. Saleh, University of Basrah

Jalal M A, Mahir A. Jalal, University of Basrah

Mahir A. Jalal, University of Basrah

Mutasher S H, Sara H. Mutasher, University of Basrah

Sara H. Mutasher, University of Basrah


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Revista Innovaciencia Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales




How to Cite

H S, A.-L. ., A A, S. ., M A, J. ., & S H, M. (2018). The effect of synthesized chitosan grafted poly (N-L-lactide) on human genetic material. Innovaciencia, 6(1), 1–10.



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