Board Editorial

It is responsible for the content that is published in accordance with the institutional and particular policies of the Journal in academic, scientific, and disciplinary matters.

It is made up of active professional researchers.

The composition of the Committee is defined by recognized researchers in the discipline, external to the institution, recognized nationally and internationally.

The Editorial Committee will be evaluated and renewed every two years, and members will have the possibility of being ratified, excluded, or resigning.

The membership of the Committee is honorary and does not create any kind of employment or contractual relationship with the University.


  1. Define, together with the editor, the criteria for formulating the Editorial Policy of the publication.

  2. Maintain the scientific and technical quality of the journal in accordance with the requirements of indexing and abstracting systems (SIR).

  3. Propose appropriate reviewers for each section of the Journal.

  4. Ensure that international ethical standards applicable to scientific publications are maintained.

  5. Designate associated or section editors for specific cases.

  6. Select the Peer Reviewers for each work together with the Editor.

  7. Update the publication's Referees Group.

  8. Provide support to the Editor in the publication or rejection of works presented based on the evaluators' opinions.

  9. Provide support to the Editor in the editing processes of each issue or installment.


PhD. Fredy Antonio Rodrìquez Prada                                                         Msc. Viviana Novoa

Universidad De Santander - colombia                                                      Universidad De Santander - colombia

(ORCID) (CvLac)                                                                                            (ORCID) (CvLac)                    

Section Editors

Msc. Harvy Maurico Velasco Parra, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

Ph.D. German Zafra, Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS, Colombia

PhD.  Karim Zare, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

PhD. Mahdi Ghane, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Marine Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

Msc. Harvy Maurico Velasco Parra, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

Ph.D. Francisco José Martínez Pérez, Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS, Colombia

Ph.D. Jans Alzate-Morales, Universidad de Talca, Chile

Ph.D.  Juan Carlos Caicedo, Universidad de Santander, Colombia

Msc. Francisco Javier León, Universidad de Santander - UDES, Colombia

Ph.D. German Zafra, Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS, Colombia

PhD.  Karim Zare, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

PhD. Mahdi Ghane, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Marine Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

Msc. Harvy Maurico Velasco Parra, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia

Ph.D. Francisco José Martínez Pérez, Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS, Colombia

Ph.D. Jans Alzate-Morales, Universidad de Talca, Chile

Ph.D.  Juan Carlos Caicedo, Universidad de Santander, Colombia

PhDc. Yezid Alexander Ardila Gomez, Universidad De Santander-UDES colombia (ORCID)

Design and Layout

Nidia Sulay Hernández Castellar



Universidad de Santander (UDES) 


Financing Entity 

Universidad de Santander (UDES)