A study related to the role of training and development in employee and organizational performance
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346030X.3825Palabras clave:
training and development, performance, employee, work productivity, organizational performance, employee performanceResumen
The topic of interest pertains to the domain of Training and Development (T&D), specifically focusing on the concept of on-the-job training. Training, training design, and delivery style are widely recognized as crucial elements in the field of organizational studies. The performance of employees has a significant influence on the financial outcomes of a firm. Most organizations utilize Training and Development (T&D) strategies to improve work performance, efficiency, effectiveness, and managerial oversight. The performance of employees has a crucial role in determining the operational efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. As a result, T&D is considered a vital component in this regard. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Training & Development on both organizational performance (OP) and employee performance. The process of data collection involved the utilization of both primary data collection methods, such as questionnaires and interviews, as well as secondary data collection methods. A total of 280 male and female employees were chosen through a random sample technique across the Delhi NCR region. Consequently, the objective of T&D is to enhance performance levels for both the individual and the organization. To uphold a superior level of staff performance and overall effectiveness, a firm must establish and sustain an ongoing T&D program. T&D can manifest in numerous diverse forms. For an organization to derive advantages from T&D, it is imperative to carefully select the form that aligns most closely with its specific objectives and aspirations. The findings indicate a positive impact of T&D on both employee performance (EP) and organizational performance. T&D play a substantial role in influencing personnel.
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