Editorial Committee

It is responsible for the content published in accordance with the institutional and specific academic, scientific and disciplinary policies of the Journal.

It is made up of active research professionals.

The composition of the Committee is defined by recognized researchers in the discipline, external to the institution, recognized nationally and internationally.

The Editorial Committee will be evaluated and renewed every two years and the members will have the possibility of ratification, exclusion or resignation.

Committee members are honorary and do not have any type of employment or contractual relationship with the University.


1. Define with the editor the criteria for the formulation of the Editorial Policy of the Journal.

2. Maintain the scientific and technical quality of the Journal in accordance with the requirements of the Indexing and Abstracting Systems (SIR).

3. Propose appropriate reviewers for each section of the Journal.

4. To ensure that international ethical standards applicable to scientific publications are maintained.

5. To designate associate or section editors for cases.

6. To select, together with the Editor, the Peer Reviewers for each paper.

7. To update the Group of Referees of the publication.

8. Provide support to the Editor in the publication or rejection of the submitted papers based on the concepts of the Peer Reviewers.

9. Provide support to the Editor in the editing process of each issue or fascicle.

Editorial Committee Members

José Daniel Texier, PhD. ORCID, Google Scholar, Universidad Nacional de Chilecito - Argentina.

Antonio José Bravo Valero, PhD. ORCID, CVLAC, Google Académico, Universidad Simón Bolívar - Colombia.

Fidel Moreno Briceño, PhD. ORCID, Google scholar, Universidad VT CNCI Monterrey - México.

Delia Alejandra Madriz Rodríguez, PhD. ORCID, CVLAC, Google Scholar, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira - Venezuela.

Ender José Barrientos Monsalve, PhD. ORCID, CVLAC, Google Scholar, Universidad Santo Tomás - Colombia.

Jessica Bayón Pérez, PhD. ORCID, Google Scholar, Universidad de Nebrija - España.

Luis Asunción Pérez Domínguez, PhD. ORCID, Google Scholar, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad de Juárez -México.

Zulmary Carolina Nieto Sánchez, PhD. ORCID, CVLAC, Google Scholar, Universidad de Santander - Colombia.