About the Journal

Focus and scope
"AiBi, Journal of Research, Management and Engineering is an international scientific journal published every four months, in electronic format, which seeks to disseminate knowledge in the areas of Engineering and Technology, especially in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science, Environmental Engineering, other Engineering and Technologies, and in the area of Social Sciences, specifically in Economics, Business and Educational Sciences. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be products of research, review and reflection that can be submitted in Spanish or English for subsequent peer review.
The Journal provides immediate open access to its content, in order to promote a greater global exchange of knowledge, and therefore does NOT charge for submission or processing of papers. It is aimed at the national and international academic and scientific community, as well as decision-makers in the governmental and business spheres, and other people with interest in the topics addressed. AiBi aims to become a reference of high scientific quality with recognition from the national and international academic community.

Frequency of publication
Frequency of publication: Quarterly (starting in 2020).
N°1 from January to April.
N°2 from May to August.
N°3 from September to December.

Open Access Policy
This Journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of support and exchange of knowledge, so there is NO charge for submission or processing of papers.
AiBi Journal is an open access scientific publication, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which allows unlimited use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original author and source are properly cited.

Archiving System
This Journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

Journal History
The AiBi Journal has been published every six months since the second semester of 2013. From the 10th edition onwards, a new Editorial Committee and Editorial Board have been incorporated.

Source of income
The magazine is supported by the University of Santander.

The magazine does not accept any paid or unpaid advertising.

Readers will not be contacted en masse; if they register they will be sent the table of contents of each publication.

Source of support
University of Santander