Automatic generation of sprint planning in agile software development, assignment of user stories to developers using genetic algorithms.


  • Fredy Humberto Vera-Rivera Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Jose Luis Barbosa-Mora Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Carlos Mauricio Gaona-Cuevas Universidad del Valle



agile scheduling, agile practices, genetic algorithm, spring backlog, agile software development


In the development of software applications, the assignment of development tasks is a fundamental activity, on it depends the
success of the development of the project, assigning the development tasks to the right person, at the right time and optimally, can bring a
reduction in development time and project costs. The problem of programming and assigning tasks to resources or people, known as
"scheduling," has been approached from different approaches and disciplines, for example: operations research, numerical programming and
linear programming. This work addresses this problem applied to the development of agile software, where it is sought to automatically and
optimally assign the user stories that the development team must implement in an iteration or sprint, taking into account the characteristics of
the team, for example, your experience (junior, senior or novice developer). A genetic algorithm is proposed that generates the assignment of
tasks for the iteration or development sprint. The validation of the proposed algorithm was carried out in a real case study, it was observed that
the obtained result improves considerably to that obtained by the project leader. In the case study, the estimated development time was reduced
from 99 hours to 87 hours, being an important difference that represents savings in project costs. As future work it is intended to use more
complex real-life cases, with more developers and stories to validate the proposed method.

Author Biographies

Fredy Humberto Vera-Rivera, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombia

Jose Luis Barbosa-Mora, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia

Carlos Mauricio Gaona-Cuevas, Universidad del Valle

Universidad del Valle, Colombia


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How to Cite

F. H. . Vera-Rivera, J. L. . Barbosa-Mora, and C. M. . Gaona-Cuevas, “Automatic generation of sprint planning in agile software development, assignment of user stories to developers using genetic algorithms”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 29–38, May 2020.



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