Information management needs in an app for coffee famers: a case study.


  • Juan C. Blandón-Andrade Universidad Catolica de Pereira
  • Catalina Ramírez-Aristezábal Universidad Catolica de Pereira
  • Jorge A. Bedoya-Cadavid Universidad Catolica de Pereir



mobile application, agriculture, case study, information technology


Advances in information technology (IT) have become a determining factor for increasing the efficiency and productivity of
various economic sectors. However, in the agricultural sector, especially in Latin America, it has not fully benefited from these advances. This
research intends, by the case study methodology, to determine what the potential benefits of an agricultural application would be, from the point
of view of different actors in the coffee production chain. The research allowed to identify the potential benefits of an application of this type:
(i) generate an alert system for agricultural tasks; (ii) help calculate the profits generated; (iii) provide information on the weather and the sale
prices of the crops; (iv) have a register that allows the traceability of the coffee delivered; and (v) inform the producer of the quality of the coffee
he delivered. Finally, some limitations were identified, such as the low digital level of some of the potential users and the restricted Internet
connection in some areas where the population studied is located

Author Biographies

Juan C. Blandón-Andrade, Universidad Catolica de Pereira

Universidad Catolica de Pereira, Colombia

Catalina Ramírez-Aristezábal, Universidad Catolica de Pereira

Universidad Catolica de Pereira, Colombia

Jorge A. Bedoya-Cadavid, Universidad Catolica de Pereir

Universidad Catolica de Pereira, Colombia


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How to Cite

J. C. . Blandón-Andrade, C. . Ramírez-Aristezábal, and J. A. . Bedoya-Cadavid, “Information management needs in an app for coffee famers: a case study”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 39–46, May 2020.



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