Determining factors in the creation of University Spin-off.
Spin-Off, University, Technology Transfer, Determining Factors.Abstract
The university spin-offs are one of the technology transfer models that promote the commercialization of knowledge, research
results and intellectual property of the university; being considered one of the main drivers of change and economic growth of countries. This
study develops a review of scientific papers indexed in the Web of Science bibliographic database, with two purposes: (i) identify the
determining factors in the creation of university spin-off; and (ii), establish knowledge gaps that allow developing a research agenda on the
topic. As a result, the information of the factors identified was synthesized in four categories: i) university, ii) academics, iii) technology transfer
intermediaries, and iv) environmental factors. The results contribute to the discussion on how the identified variables influence and interact at
different levels in the creation of university spin-offs and the implications for future research and in the practice, in terms of institutional and
regional policies.
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