Ray-Tracing Algorithm for Wireless Channel Modeling in Indoor Environments.
Ray Tracing, Channel modelling, cannel estimation, Indoor Wireless propagation.Abstract
This work proposes a simulation algorithm for modelling a wireless channel in indoor environments, based on dimensional
‘image-based’ ray tracing method that considers the effects of channel dispersion. The algorithm implemented in Matlab, allows to simulate
scenarios of different dimensions and with different types of walls into a building. The proposed algorithm was validated with analytical models
and commercial software (Wireless Insite). To carry out the modelling, the dispersers, the dielectric characteristics of the materials, the frequency
and the distance, among others, are considered; The effects of reflection, refraction and diffraction phenomena are also included to increase the
accuracy of the prediction. The presented work proposes an algorithm to estimate the power received in a wireless channel for interiors that
seek to perform the channel estimation. A simulation of a real scenario is obtained with results that, according to the recommendation ITU-R
P.1238-7, are accurate, with an average relative error of 3.85% and a difference of less than 3 dB.
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