Pedagogical innovation and ict: a proposal for accounting education.


  • Jennifer Lorena Gómez-Contreras Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.
  • Cristián Alberto Bonilla-Torres Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.



Pedagogical strategies, pedagogical approaches, ICT, learning, accounting education.


This reflection paper aims to identify and characterize pedagogical strategies supported by information and communication
technologies (ICT) that allow better results in students learning processes from the review of trends reports in technologies for education
published by academic observatories, which integrate and follow up cases generated in multiple regions of the world on the application of
methodologies and the development of technologies. And from the innovative pedagogical practices (gamification, challenge-based learning,
inverted learning, and adaptive learning) and the identified ICT (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality and Storytelling), making
an implementation proposal that involves them for the case of accounting education.
In order to do this, the trends reports by the Observatory of Educational Innovation from the Tecnológico de Monterrey and the NMC
Horizon Report were reviewed in order to synthesize the main tools integrated into a new education stream, subject to implementation and
analysis by researchers who consider that these strategies supported in ICT promote motivation, self-training, teamwork, among other skills in
student to strengthen autonomous learning processes. Finally, based on the conclusions, the proposal for the integration of these tools through
hybrid learning into accounting education is made, which favors agile learning, facilitating flexibility, access and generation of multimedia

Author Biographies

Jennifer Lorena Gómez-Contreras, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia

Cristián Alberto Bonilla-Torres, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia


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How to Cite

J. L. Gómez-Contreras and C. A. . Bonilla-Torres, “Pedagogical innovation and ict: a proposal for accounting education”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 142–153, May 2020.



Reflection Articles



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