Representations of rural life: an understanding of what environmental from the everyday.


  • Yanis Arahis Nieto-Terán Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)



rural context, knowledge, ecology, everyday rural life, environmental education.


In the rural context, people have knowledge of the products for generations, those who discover in their daily lives and other legacy of modernity, which can be intermixed, reproduce, replace or transform, since the daily dynamics permits, it which is also evident in education where knowledge is changing and they flow between official curricula and practice that routinely penetrate the knowledge, the way of life and culture that daily takes place in rural areas. However, rural contains a set of possibilities and potential, social, economic, cultural, political and environmental accommodate social research. Hence the importance of focusing on a place where they interact especially humans, nature and culture, which is a sign of abundant natural resources, susceptible to local and global environmental problems instead. Given this scenario arises reconstruct the daily rural life in order to understand environmental. the paradigmatic scheme is proposed in eight levels: axiológic, shows research ethics; It presents the ontological approach the object of study; in a diachronic historical level contextual analysis was developed; includes epistemological paradigm underlying the study; It includes theoretical aspects of interest as social ecology, microsociology and the theory of social representations; and methodological specific about ethnography as a method; the findings and theorizing contains the interpretation and analysis of results. the final considerations which highlights that the predominant paradigm is because prevailing anthropocentric utilitarian-economists practices are exposed. Finally the plane referred to the pedagogical foundations presented.

Author Biography

Yanis Arahis Nieto-Terán, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)

Profesora en Educación Rural –UPEL, VENEZUELA. Magister en Evaluación Educacional-UPEL. Doctorado en  Educación en Proceso -UPEL. Postdoctorado en Educación ambiental y sostenibilidad-UPEL.


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How to Cite

Y. A. . Nieto-Terán, “Representations of rural life: an understanding of what environmental from the everyday”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 2–10, Jan. 2016.



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