The didactic knowledge of the content (cdc) of the professors of the chair of projects in the architecture career of the UNET.


  • Astrid Contreras Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET)
  • Luis Salazar Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET)


pedagogical knowledge, university teaching, curriculum unit projects, teaching strategies, architecture


The purpose of this research is not to discredit the work traditionally has been developed by architects educational projects; on
the contrary, it is intended to disclose what the pedagogical content knowledge (CDC) of the professional National Experimental University of
Táchira (UNET), located in the city of San Cristobal, Venezuela. The CDC technical professionals is of great importance in academic
practice, in this case the architect teacher has the responsibility to pass through the-creative teaching tools for integrating basic training
elements that create a product guidelines, approaching the reality. These objectives were to: identify the theoretical foundations about the
didactic knowledge, determine the teaching strategies used by architects teachers UNET in the course of projects, describe the knowledge of
the current educational content teacher projects, and synthesize from the point of view of the process of teaching and learning possible
solutions to be implemented by teachers in the department of architecture projects. Within the paradigm qualitative methodology with
ethnomethodological approach, which allowed us to evaluate how this behavior specialist teacher within the classroom stands; considering
stage the Design Workshop and selecting a purposive sample of 07 teachers and 34 students from the last 2 semesters of Projects VII and VIII
of the School of Architecture. Data collection techniques were used, as the survey and observation, accompanied by the questionnaire with
open and closed questions framed in education, academia and educational categories; elements premeditated by the researchers allowed
valuable information to define the professional CDC study. The data analysis was through SPSS in order to categorize and identify
commonalities of the information obtained. The findings revealed a deficiency in terms of the CDC and the implementation of teaching
strategies in the development of the course project.

Author Biographies

Astrid Contreras, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET)

Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET)

Luis Salazar, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET)

Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira (UNET)


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How to Cite

A. Contreras and L. Salazar, “The didactic knowledge of the content (cdc) of the professors of the chair of projects in the architecture career of the UNET”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 19–26, Jan. 2015.



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