Sustainable rural development: factors underlying the peasant mindsets.
Sustainable rural development, farmers, mentalities, everyday peasant factors.Abstract
The following product is released from the research entitled The Self Agroecológic being from the Andean Tachirense Peasant conducted by the author and the doctoral thesis, which is based on their agroecological being unveiled minds of Táchira Andean peasant; framed within the qualitative approach and phenomenological method with contrasting theory. The study context was represented by agricultural municipalities in the state of Táchira, Venezuela, where twelve (12) key informants were selected, obeying the criteria to be peasants with practical experience in conventional or agroecological agriculture; who were interviewed in an unstructured way, under a script of questions; using the technique of participant observation with its own registration form field notes. The findings allowed to describe different underlying factors in peasant mentality, among which are economic, political, social, and cultural rights, which from a management vision can be taken to optimize management processes contextualized in rural areas to help improving the life conditions of its inhabitants.
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