El turismo de naturaleza: opción para el desarrollo socioeconómico y cultural del circuito Cúcuta, Chinácota, Bochalema y Durania en el departamento Norte de Santander, Colombia


  • Xiomara Ramírez París C Universidad de Santander
  • Álvaro Jesús Sepulveda-Yañez Universidad de Santander


Nature tourism, economic development, cultural preservation, beaten track, advertising campaign


The objective of the research was to promote nature tourism as an alternative to the socioeconomic and cultural development under a sustainable perspective, in the area between the towns of Durania, Bochalema and Chinácota, Norte de Santander Department, Republic of Colombia. The research was qualitative and ethnographic method used in interventions in communities with tourism potential of the state.
Customs of the inhabitants, the local cuisine, historic sites, recreational areas, crafts and tourist areas in general were observed. Key informant interviews were also intentionally selected. The research results show that the three municipalities studied have high potential to develop nature tourism boom and its positive impact on improving socioeconomic conditions and cultural preservation of communities. These findings and
subsequent socialization in public bodies Department, made the linkage of the Research Group of UDES CIEMPIÉS, home Cúcuta, the Bureau of Ecotourism Norte de Santander and participation in the preparation of the Tourism Development Plan Department, which was included in this study the proposed tourist circuit. Also in the academic, has initiated the formation of a culture of regional tourism among members of the educational community UDES allowing organize fairs, conferences and tours as a way to integrate the academy to the development of the municipalities.


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How to Cite

X. R. . París C and Álvaro J. . Sepulveda-Yañez, “El turismo de naturaleza: opción para el desarrollo socioeconómico y cultural del circuito Cúcuta, Chinácota, Bochalema y Durania en el departamento Norte de Santander, Colombia”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 1, no. 1, Jul. 2013.



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