Usos y beneficios de la investigación de mercados: nuevas tendencias e influencias de la interactividad
Market research, uses, benefits, trends.Abstract
The intention of this article is to realize a review of the literature brings over of the application that the productive sectors different
from the traditional ones are giving to the investigation of market, to establish the benefits obtained according to the technology, the type of
investigation and the methodology implemented to give response to the needs of information related to the variables of the market, to detect the
influences of the new technologies to contact the client. During the process of review it was confirmed that the investigation of markets is used
in companies of different activities already be industrial, commercial, services, public, private, agricultural and cattle between others, achieving
benefit for the disciplines of the marketing; I demonstrate the influence of the technologies of the information and of the communications and
of the new tools that allow to interact with the client to obtain, to gather and to register information that contributes with the managerial and
operative management of the marketing.
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