Digital Image Correlation Technique Implementation with Open Software


  • Jorge Guillermo Diaz-Rodríguez Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Iván Mauricio Castillo-González Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Adrián Eduardo Peñaranda-Domínguez Universidad Santo Tomás



DIC, materials characterization, stress measurement, experimental mechanics, stress analysis


Nowadays, experimental stress and strains measurement is done by means of techniques that deliver whole fields of either displacement or stress range or the sum of the main diagonal of a stress tensor. The Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique delivers orthogonal displacements within the field of vision through the analysis of digital photographs before and after an applied load. There are high cost commercial systems, and open source systems which are free of use and distribution but that do not have support; which makes its implementation rather difficult. The article deals with the appropriation of the DIC technique using DIC open source software. For this, some measurements were made and compared with analytical solutions to evaluate the precision of the experimental measurement. The best experimental results are compared with FEM simulations. It was found that commercial lenses can give qualitative measurements, i. e.  for educational or illustrative purposes, whereas a macro lens is needed for quantitative measurements.


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How to Cite

J. G. Diaz-Rodríguez, I. M. Castillo-González, and A. E. Peñaranda-Domínguez, “Digital Image Correlation Technique Implementation with Open Software”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 25–32, Sep. 2020.



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