Organizational culture - assertiveness - empowerment of knowledge in the community of the nursing program at the Universidad de Santander Cúcuta campus




organizational culture, assertiveness, empowerment, nursing program, University of Santander


Organizational culture has become a significant element in different organizations of any kind, in this case framed in the linkage that is presented with the nursing program at the University of Santander Cúcuta; because within the trends and managerial innovations arises the need to handle the different concepts and theories that currently make mention of organizational culture to provide nursing professionals with tools and of course components that allow them a better education, training and professional performance. Reason that converges in the following general objective: To analyze the Pedagogical Mediator on the Organizational Culture for the Assertiveness and Empowerment of Knowledge in the Academic Community of the Nursing Program of the University of Santander Campus Cúcuta. The methodology used was framed in mixed approaches (quantitative and qualitative), where a documentary analysis and a description of the variables were worked, plus the appreciations of the key informants, which led to assume a set of knowledge referred to the pedagogical mediator with hypertextual and hypermedial strategies, which allowed dynamizing the academic processes, optimizing time, resources and strengthening the organizational culture to achieve the assertiveness and empowerment of knowledge in the community; which left structured the different ontological components.


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How to Cite

L. D. Villamizar-Barrera and M. Z. Gualdron, “Organizational culture - assertiveness - empowerment of knowledge in the community of the nursing program at the Universidad de Santander Cúcuta campus”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 52–60, Sep. 2023.



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