Assembly of a meteorological station with sensors to monitor environmental parameters
weather station, Arduino, sensors, wireless networks, data analysisAbstract
Environmental monitoring sensors allow to measure air quality, temperature, and relative humidity. All sensor monitoring systems and strategies have a foundation and justification in the data center that help determine the current state of the environment or identify trends in environmental parameters. Objective: Assemble a portable weather station with sensors where users can obtain real weather information programmed with Arduino at the General Santander Educational Institution in the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca. Methodology: explain the development of a remote monitoring system for environmental variables through a wireless network that connects a network of sensors and allows real-time monitoring and control of environmental parameters. Results: it was evidenced with the data obtained from the meteorological station related to the exterior and interior temperature in the classrooms, data ranging from 24 oC to 29 oC. This corroborates that according to Technical Standard 4595; the students and teachers are outside the comfortable zone that goes from 18 oC to 24 oC. Conclusions: the research summarized the current environmental conditions and existing problems in classrooms, with the integration of sensors With the system, it was possible to monitor and compute the level of temperature, humidity in the atmosphere, air quality and carbon monoxide in the classrooms, in addition, provide viable alternatives that contribute to sustainable development and improvement of the education and the improvement of the quality of life of the people that make up the educational community.
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