Internal communication program for the work environment in a health care network in Peru
internal communication, work environment, program, proposal, managementAbstract
Public organizations are increasingly subject to demands from citizens, therefore, the objetive of this research is to Public organizations are increasingly subject to demands from citizens, therefore, the objective of this research is to propose an internal communication operability program for the staff of the Cajamarca healthcare network. The research is of a descriptive quantitative nature, simple random probabilistic sampling, with a population of 67 servers; The survey was used as a technique and the work environment and internal communication questionnaire was used as an instrument. The instruments obtained high confidence through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient with 0.87 for internal communication and 0.86 for the work environment. From the results, internal communication is perceived with a 62.7% regular level, that is, this variable needs to be strengthened among collaborators to keep informed and achieve the objectives of the institution, especially in the dimension of descending vertical communication as there are communication barriers. communication; Meanwhile, the work environment is perceived at a level that needs improvement (52.23%), since a good group of workers still need to feel committed to the success of the institution. For this reason, an operability program is proposed to strengthen internal communication management and improve the work environment, being validated by the Delphi method with a high rating scale, concluding that the proposal is convenient for its application.
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