Pedagogical Strategy Supported by GeoGebra for Geometry Learning in Ninth-Grade Students in the Rural Area of Catatumbo
pedagogical strategy, teaching geometry, ICT tools, educational innovationAbstract
In this quantitative research, a study focused on improving geometry learning among ninth-grade students in a rural area of Catatumbo was undertaken, employing the GeoGebra tool. The research comprised three key objectives: The first objective involved conducting an initial pre-test, revealing a low level of geometry proficiency among students, with an average score of 2.0 and a predominance of students in lower proficiency levels. The second objective centered on designing and implementing a didactic strategy based on GeoGebra to enhance geometry learning. This strategy was deployed in the classroom and applied over an academic period. Meanwhile, the third objective aimed to determine the effectiveness of the pedagogical strategy. To assess this, a post-test was administered, demonstrating substantial progress in students' performance. The average score increased from 2.0 in the pre-test to 3.3 in the post-test, indicating an improvement in the average performance level, shifting from a low to a basic proficiency level. Additionally, a more equitable distribution in proficiency levels was observed, with a greater number of students reaching high and upper levels. Ultimately, while areas for improvement persist, these results suggest that the GeoGebra-based didactic strategy has had a positive impact on geometry learning in the rural environment of Catatumbo. Therefore, ongoing adaptation of the pedagogical strategy is essential to address the evolving needs of the student group and further enhance their performance in mathematics.
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