Analysis of injectors using alternative fuels In the engine




injection, combustion chamber, biodiesel, alcohol


Fuel injection is very important for air-fuel distribution and mixing within the combustion chamber for overall engine performance. Technological development has a major influence on the fuel being injected directly at high pressure through one or more injectors with a varying degree of penetration and depending on the angle of the injector, all this to achieve reduce both fuel consumption and emissions, achieving greater efficiency and also adapt it to the use of biofuels. This article is based on a scientific research methodology through an exhaustive bibliographic review. The purpose of this research is to highlight the need for technological advancement in terms of injectors so that they can be applied in alternative fuels such as biofuels. Among the most noteworthy results we consider that some injection strategies can be highly recommended to apply them in biofuels, such as double injection, Advanced pilot fuel injection time and high injection pressure along with advanced timing. The strategy of split injection can be a solution just like delayed time injection, help improve engine conditions, adapting to the characteristics of alternative fuels. It is concluded that technological development in injectors is crucial for the future use of alternative fuels.


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How to Cite

H. H. Riojas-González, L. J. Bortoni-Anzures, and J. J. Martínez-Torres, “Analysis of injectors using alternative fuels In the engine”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 249–258, May 2024.



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