Analysis of the factors that influence the perception of the city of Cucuta (Colombia) as a tourist destination




destination, age, marital status, gender, perception, tourist


The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of gender, age and marital status factors on the perception of the city of Cúcuta as a tourist site. Through a survey the information is collected taking into account the combinations of the levels of each factor (Gender, Age, Marital Status) and recorded for an analysis of variance and a linear regression model. It can be seen that all the main factors have a significant effect on the response variable (perception of the destination); that the relationship that generated the greatest perception of the tourist site is a profile of the tourist when the gender is male, adult age and single marital status. Marketing strategies are the tools that should be applied to analyze the results of the sociodemographic variables analyzed in order to improve the image of tourist sites


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How to Cite

K. Y. Sánchez-Mojica, J. E. Herrera-Rubio, and E. J. Barrientos-Monsalve, “Analysis of the factors that influence the perception of the city of Cucuta (Colombia) as a tourist destination”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 21–27, Sep. 2022.



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