Implementation of tools for the design of quality management systems: Methodological approach in a case applied to the construction sector


  • Sebastian Cáceres-Gelvez Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Juan C. Acevedo-Páez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • L. F. Bohorquez-Chacón Universidad de Santander
  • L. Rodríguez-Galezo Universidad de Santander



quality management system, methodology, ISO 9001:2015, construction industry


Quality management systems (QMS) are management tools based on ISO 9001:2015 international standard that are of great importance for organizations in any economic sector of society, who wish to impact customer satisfaction, their competitiveness in today's global markets and the establishment of quality standards for their products and services. This article presents the design of the QMS based on the application of a methodology proposed for the case of a company in the construction sector; this methodology is understood as the integration of different management tools in the process of designing the system with a focus on compliance with the requirements of NTC-ISO 9001:2015. The design starts with the analysis of the maturity level of the company to know the organizational situation, according to the requirements of the standard, then the requirements related to the knowledge of the context of the organization, the strategic approach of the QMS, the organization by processes and the identification and evaluation of risks and opportunities associated with the context are defined. Knowledge of the current state of the organization and its context is obtained, the management system is established as a strategic direction tool for the company, the processes are satisfactorily characterized, according to the scope of the QMS and the intentions of the top management, preventive measures related to the achievement of the objectives of the human management process are defined, as well as the objectives of the QMS. It is concluded that the design of the QMS integrating tools such as the evaluation of maturity levels, the Supersystems Map, the Balanced Scorecard, BSC, the definition of S.M.A.R.T. objectives, risk management and Xertatu:adi methodology, allow to objectively evaluate the compliance with the requirements of the NTC-ISO 9001:2015 and establish the management system as a strategic management tool for the company.


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How to Cite

S. Cáceres-Gelvez, J. C. Acevedo-Páez, L. F. Bohorquez-Chacón, and L. Rodríguez-Galezo, “Implementation of tools for the design of quality management systems: Methodological approach in a case applied to the construction sector”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. S1, pp. 43–53, Dec. 2020.



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