Route for the internationalization of agricultural products from Norte de Santander, based on Halal Certification




Halal certification, agricultural production, Norte de Santander, economic opening, internationalization strategy


One of the most representative economic activities in Norte de Santander is agriculture; however, it does not meet the internationally established conditions for exporting its products, preventing the market from growing, developing and innovating constantly. This project shows a route for the internationalization of agricultural products from Norte de Santander, based on Halal certification, to provide a solution to the region's need for economic openness.  To this end, the characteristics of Halal certification in Muslim markets are identified, the agricultural products that can obtain certification are determined, the procedure and production requirements are described, and certification as an internationalization strategy is evaluated. As a result, a methodological guide is developed that describes the processes and requirements for an agricultural product to be certified, showing that Norte de Santander has suitable production levels and geographic-climatic conditions for planting various products that allow it to successfully enter new international markets.


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How to Cite

M. C. Torrado-Bayona and N. E. García-Torres, “Route for the internationalization of agricultural products from Norte de Santander, based on Halal Certification”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. S1, pp. 244–268, Dec. 2020.



Review Article



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