Declaration of Originality


I, ____________________________________ identified with the Identification Document number ______________ hereby declare, as a SWORN DECLARATION, that I am the sole author of the article entitled "_________________________________________________" submitted to the Journal Aibi, attached to the Faculty of Management and Engineering of the University of Santander (UDES) at its campus in Cúcuta (Colombia) for evaluation and publication, according to the results obtained from the evaluations of the referees appointed by the journal. In this sense I DECLARE that: - The article I submit is an original document and has not been published, totally or partially in other journals. - I will not simultaneously submit the same document to the consideration of committees of other journals until I receive a response from the Aibi Journal on the decision taken regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article. - I have contributed directly to the intellectual content of this manuscript, to the genesis and analysis of its data, for which I am in a position to take public and legal responsibility for it, and I state that the intellectual contributions of other authors have been duly and ethically referenced in the text of this work. - I have not incurred in scientific fraud, plagiarism or authorship vices; otherwise, I exempt Aibi Journal from any legal responsibility and I declare myself as the only responsible. - I authorize Revista Aibi to reproduce the article nationally or internationally in different databases and online bibliographic indexes. - I authorize the editorial team to make the adjustments required for publication. - I will not receive royalties or other monetary compensation from Revista Aibi, for the publication of the aforementioned article.

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