Characterization and implementation of a physicochemical method for leachate treatment from the landfill carrasco.


  • Oscar Dario Guarín Villamizar Universidad de Santander- UDES
  • Sandra Milena Gómez Plata Universidad Palmasde Gran Canaria- España



Leachate, landfill percolate, coagulation, oxidation, neutralization.


The Carrasco Landfill is located at the northeastern region of Colombia in the municipality of Bucaramanga, the leachate
is generated by the degradation of the wastes from this city and its metropolitan areas leads to a heavily polluted stream “The
Church” located a few meters this stuffing as well as underground water resources that surround the filling. It is imperative the
creation of an immediate treatment of leachate using reactive and accessible technology to our region and that this problem
represents a serious environmental impact.This paper presents a viable alternative because of its low cost and high efficiency
to be a physico-chemical treatment for the leachate from the site of final disposal of solid waste results in the laboratory show
that it is possible to mitigate the negative environmental impact of water percolated close to water.

Author Biographies

Oscar Dario Guarín Villamizar, Universidad de Santander- UDES

Grupo ambiental de investigación aplicada – GAIA

Sandra Milena Gómez Plata, Universidad Palmasde Gran Canaria- España

Química- Especialista en Ambiental Universidad Palmasde Gran Canaria- España


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How to Cite

Guarín Villamizar, O. D. ., & Gómez Plata, S. M. . (2013). Characterization and implementation of a physicochemical method for leachate treatment from the landfill carrasco. Innovaciencia, 1(1), 23–29.



Original research and innovation article



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