Paleontological Patrimony and collection of fossils of the University of Santander, Colombia


  • Javier Hernando Jerez Jaimes Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • Eliana Ximena Narváez Parra Universidad de Santander



Fossil record, Paleontology, Rosablanca Formation, Tibú-Mercedes Formation, Los Pinos Formation


In Colombia, the fossil record is part of the Paleontological Heritage of the nation, it allows us to explain the origin, diversity and distribution of different forms of life. The Colombian Geological Service is responsible for maintaining and guarding the Geological and Paleontological Heritage of the nation and is the one who performs the Geological and Paleontological National Inventory. The present paper is intended to be a brief description of the regulations and processes governing the collection and maintenance of these specimens, as well as to show the first fossil records of the University of Santander that make part of the geological collection of this institution. The University of Santander makes its contribution to this heritage with the registration of 25 fossil specimens collected in the field trips of the courses of Biology and paleontology of the program of geology in the Formations Rosablanca and Tibú-Mercedes in the municipalities of Zapatoca and San Andrés (Santander) from the Lower Cretaceous period and from the Los Pinos Formation in the municipality of Samacá (Boyacá) from the Upper Cretaceous period.

Author Biography

Eliana Ximena Narváez Parra, Universidad de Santander

M.Sc. Biología. Profesora. Asesora Especializada Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Universidad de Santander UDES


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How to Cite

Jerez Jaimes, J. H., & Narváez Parra, E. X. (2020). Paleontological Patrimony and collection of fossils of the University of Santander, Colombia. Innovaciencia, 8(1), 1–14.



Short communication



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