El diseño de los resultados de aprendizaje utilizando las tecnologías de juego: un ejemplo de los elementos y procesos del diseño arqu


  • Alina Lobanova International Educational Corporation
  • Karina Chiknoverova International Educational Corporation
  • Irina Tomina International Educational Corporation




Gamification, Education, Architectural design, Game technology, Learning outcome design


Introduction: This article describes the possibilities of forecasting learning outcomes after using gamification methods. The analysis of data collected within the framework of one academic discipline is given. The development of a regulating program using game technologies for the course is proposed.  Materials and Methods: The methodological part is concentrated on identifying the problem areas of the course and selecting gamification elements for specific tasks. Results and Discussion: The expected result after the implementation of the program is described. A hypothetical idea about the prospective use of individual game mechanics for educational purposes is described but requires further practical trial. The relevance of the development of complex motivational programs integrated into the educational process and solving the problem of improving the effectiveness of learning is identified. Conclusions: The use of various ways of involving students, and maintaining the balance between educational and game tasks is described.


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How to Cite

Lobanova, A., Chiknoverova, K. ., & Tomina, I. . (2022). El diseño de los resultados de aprendizaje utilizando las tecnologías de juego: un ejemplo de los elementos y procesos del diseño arqu. Innovaciencia, 10(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.15649/2346075X.2959






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