Typological aspects of urban architecture design based on the principle of hybridity


  • Galina Iskhojanova International Education Corporation
  • Inna Zayats International Education Corporation
  • Lazzat Sarttarova Almaty Technological University



Palabras clave:

Multifunctional Complexes, Hybridization of Functions, Residential and Public Spaces, Building Regulations, Cartographic Research


Introduction: This study provides scientific and theoretical principles for the formation of types of buildings and complexes based on programs of mixed functional (hybrid) use. Materials and Methods: The method of scientific and predictive classification of the design principles of multifunctional buildings and complexes of mixed hybrid structure is used. Results and Discussion: The article provides an analysis of practical examples of multifunctional and mixed urban development that form new architectural and spatial solutions for building types that change the situation in existing neighborhoods, streets, and public spaces. Conclusions: The factors of updating the typology of multifunctional buildings and complexes using the principles of hybridity, digital and information technologies are considered.


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Cómo citar

Iskhojanova, G., Zayats , I. ., & Sarttarova , L. . (2022). Typological aspects of urban architecture design based on the principle of hybridity . Innovaciencia, 10(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.15649/2346075X.2976






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