Private company and peacebuilding at Catatumbo, Colombia.


  • Julio Alfonso Gonzalez-Mendoza Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



Business development, Post-conflict, Peacebuilding, Private companies in post-conflict situations.


This study was conducted in the largest population centers in northeastern Colombia, “Catatumbo Jungle”, where historically
there have been disputes between illegal armed groups. The objective is to explain business development in the face of the end of the conflict
and peacebuilding; the methodology used is mixed, for which information was collected from 70 companies. The results indicate that the
businessmen consider that with the end of the armed conflict there will be business and social development, competitiveness will improve and
new markets will be opened.

Author Biography

Julio Alfonso Gonzalez-Mendoza, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombia


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How to Cite

J. A. . Gonzalez-Mendoza, “Private company and peacebuilding at Catatumbo, Colombia”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 47–53, May 2020.



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