Analysis of user variations in prepaid medicine entities in Colombia - Case study
healthcare, services delay, turnover, simulación, private healtchcare.Abstract
Healthcare services in countries like Colombia has many problems related to the service. A system financed with public resources has many delays in financial transactions associated with payment to health providers. The non-attention of users, the appointment allocation times and other delays in this essential service makes many of the patients search for better forms of care, which allow them health at home and other amenities in terms of service access. Prepaid medicine enters this space and is essential to improve the coverage of the health
system. However, the performance of these systems is compromised with the high turnover of users, the lending changes of entities and the nonconformity generated by reprogramming attention events. In this article, a simulation model is presented, which allows evaluating improvement alternatives in these entities and subsequently proposes policies that generate better customer perception and stability in the rotation of users of prepaid medicine. It is evident that there is a high turnover of auditors that attend customer requests, therefore, it is suggested to improve their stability so that requests are dealt with in a timely manner by the same auditor, generating process traceability. Consequently, the perception of service quality and customer retention improve significantly
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