Professional skills in educational management of rural school state cores Táchira.
Professional competences, rural teachers, Rural School Nucleus (NER).Abstract
The academic preparation of rural teachers, from the point of view of competencies, has been questioned because of the poor
preparation, perhaps, or lack of vocation towards an educational management. The objective of this study is the design of a managerial model
of professional competences for educational management in the Rural School Nucleus (NER) of Táchira State, Venezuela. The assumed
methodology is under the postpositivist paradigm. Supported by qualitative research using the case study method, which describes theories
according to the factors that influence the development of educational professional competences in the context of the context, with an abundant
description, interpreting in detail the phenomenon studied for thus developing categories that served as support in the analysis of results.
Theoretical sources, the interview and field notes were used for the collection of the information, applied to a group of fifteen (15) intentionally
selected informants. The collected data were recorded and submitted to the corresponding qualitative analysis (registration, categorization,
systematization and interpretation), as it allows the obtaining of theoretical conceptual constructs with the possibility of claiming potential loss
competencies and providing new trends in the professional competencies of the directors Of the NERs.
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