Colombian educational problema.
educational problem, educational quality, school dropout, school stay, social exclusion.Abstract
In the present work it is proposed to clarify one of the most controversial issues as the educational problem in Colombia,
starting from the historical conception of the evolutionary processes of education and the role it plays in the reproduction of the dominant
system, supported by Sociopolitical theory of some postmodern thinkers. The objective of this article is to analyze the structural elements that
affect education in Colombia and affect the quality, permanence and coverage of education in the country, as well as student dropout taking
into account the incidence of armed conflict, Social and economic exclusion, family disintegration and forced displacement. Globalization
and the planetary world likewise affect the behavior of society, and especially the young, changing their behavior and social developments.
The development of the article merited the application of the method of selection of explanatory and analytical information of documentary
research using secondary sources of information.
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