Model to evaluate social relevance in the academic offer of Francisco de Paula Santander University.
Relevance, indicators model, academic programs, university.Abstract
The research is framed within the quantitative approach and mode of Feasible Project was held at the Francisco de Paula
Santander, Northern Department of Santander (Colombia) University with populations of entrepreneurs, high school students, alumni and
representatives of clusters different sectors of the region. The fundamental objective of the research is to design a proposed model to evaluate
the social relevance in academic programs offered at the Francisco de Paula Santander (UFPS) University. The importance lies in the need to
create a model that links characteristics, needs of stakeholders, perceptions, supported statistically, that determine interactions of intervening
factors, explain types of innovation required by the productive sector of the region and to respond to needs Nortesantandereana members of
society. Data collection was conducted through surveys, semi-structured interviews, panel, mathematician SWOT, using six sigma. The
selection of indicators includes indices linking systems at national and international levels, and hierarchical multivariate analysis, principal
components. The creation of the model followed different phases as a result of information analysis and includes diagnostics, measurement,
analysis, improvement, monitoring and control, also contains models to analyze population projections to support decision-making. For the
analysis and interpretation of information diagramming tools, capability studies, multivariate analyzes were used, analysis was carried out
following model Rash through Item response theory, design of experiments and using triangulation as an element involved in obtaining
multiple views of the research problem. The proposed model expected to sustain the role and social mission of the UFPS to offer knowledge
producing, sharing and socializing in the innovation system in the formation of human capital for society and companies in the region. The
model was validated through structural analysis.
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