Características de los gerentes educativos para lograr, a través del liderazgo transformacional, organizaciones inteligentes en las universidades. Caso: UNET.
Transformational Leadership, Educational Management and Intelligent Organizations.Abstract
The manager directs university education, directs and encourages actions that need to be undertaken in a unit or college, strategically
guided in its operation by its vision, mission, values, goals and shared educational policies, through a positive organizational climate university
conducive constant change, led by a leader who encourages participation , intellectually stimulate their employees, AUPE creativity, initiative,
research, individualized attention, drive the widespread use of ICT in general support team learning together for a learning organization that can
achieve a university of excellence. The research was conducted under the qualitative epistemological approach, based on the ethnographic
method. Was used for data collection techniques, participant observation, surveys open questionnaire and semistructured interview. For analysis
of the results we used the technique of triangulation of the data in each technique, among techniques, then developed theoretical approaches.
The results showed that most of the UNET educational managers have the characteristics of a good manager, does not possess the characteristics
of a transformational leader also found that if learning. The findings were verified they have good attitude towards leadership, leadership is
democratic, legal and effective organizational learning exists. Finally made important theoretical contributions.
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