Managerial approach in empirical companies: Management systems, roles and styles






Management has been and will be valued for the ability to take on challenges, successfully transform the administrative structures of an organization (seen from any functional area), obtain competitiveness, development, quality, welfare and sustainability, indicators of high impact and great recognition; The study had the objective of knowing the existing managerial approach in the companies of Ocaña, analyzing the following three dimensions: administrative systems, roles and leadership styles, the quantitative method was applied, of descriptive type, supported by the survey technique, under the Likert scale, with a study sample of 15 empirical businessmen of the commerce, services and industrial sector with great recognition in the region. It is concluded that, although more than 60% of the managers have a servant leadership style, a decision-making managerial role and an autocratic administrative system, strategies should be promoted to foster servant leadership in the organizations through the recognition of corporate axiology and emotional intelligence


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How to Cite

S. Navarro-Álvarez, C. A. Pacheco Sánchez, G. T. Navarro-Claro, and J. A. Cristancho, “Managerial approach in empirical companies: Management systems, roles and styles”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 106–114, Jan. 2023.



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