Clasificación de género basada en la marcha humana usando secuencias de marcha neutrales y no neutrales
DOI: clave:
Gait; Gait Entropy Energy Image; k-NN; SVMResumen
A biometric system offers automatic identification of an individual based
on characteristic possessed by the individual. Biometric identification systems are often categorized as physiological or behavioural characteristics.
Gait as one of the behavioural biometric recognition aims to recognize
an individual by the way he/she walk. In this paper we propose gender
classification based on human gait features using wavelet transform and
investigates the problem of non-neutral gait sequences; Coat Wearing and
carrying bag condition as addition to the neutral gait sequences. We shall
investigate a new set of feature that generated based on the Gait Energy Image and Gait Entropy Image called Gait Entropy Energy Image
(GEnEI). Three different feature sets constructed from GEnEI based
on wavelet transform called, Approximation coefficient Gait Entropy
Energy Image, Vertical coefficient Gait Entropy Energy Image and Approximation & Vertical coefficients Gait Entropy Energy Image Finally
two different classification methods are used to test the performance of
the proposed method separately, called k-nearest-neighbour and Support
Vector Machine. Our tests are based on a large number of experiments
using a well-known gait database called CASIA B gait database, includes
124 subjects (93 males and 31 females). The experimental result indicates
that the proposed method provides significant results and outperform the
state of the art.
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