El uso de bloques de imagen en el dominio espacial como una vía robusta de estenografía
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346075X.690Palabras clave:
Steganography; Information hiding; Spatial domain; LSB Matching.Resumen
Steganography is a way to convey secret communication, with rapid electronic communication and high demand of using the internet, steganography has become a wide field of research and discussion. In this paper a new approach for hiding information in cover image proposed in spatial domain, the proposed approach divides the host image into blocks of size (8x8) pixels and message bits are embeds into the pixels of a cover image. The 64-pixel values of each block converted to be represented in binary system and compared with corresponding secret data bits for finding the matching and hold 6-pixels. The search process performed by comparing each secret data bit (8-bits) with created binary plane at the cover image, if matching is found the last row of the created binary plane which is (LSB) is modified to indicate the location of the matched bits sequence “which is the secret data” and number of the row, if matching is not found in all 7th rows the secret sequence is copied in to the corresponding 8th row location.
The payload of this technique is 6 pixels’ message (48-bits) in each block. In the experiments secret messages are randomly embedded into different images. The quality of the stego-image from which the original text message is extracted is not affected at all. For validation of the presented mechanism, the capacity, the circuit complexity, and the measurement of distortion against steganalysis is evaluated using the peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) are analyzed.
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