Evaluation of the effect of Beauveria bassiana in the biological control of Varroa destructor, a parasite of honey bees (Apis mellifera) at the Felisa farm at the municipality of Patios, Norte de Santander.


  • Christian Chacin Zambrano Universidad de Santander
  • Francy Liliana Duarte Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Lisbeth Carolina Reyes Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander




Beauveria bassiana, entomopathogenic, Acarofauna, Varroa destructor.


Beekeeping is an activity that produces significant benefits to agriculture and the environment; Through the pollination action
of bees helps to increase productivity as well as biodiversity in the ecosystem. In recent years, has significantly increased
prevalence of parasites in this species, particularly the Varroasis, a disease caused by the mite Varroa destructor. The causal
agent produces losses between 30% and 50% of total production and in turn can cause damage to the quality of honey by the
excessive use of chemicals for disease control and the slow and progressive deterioration health of producers. Noting this, we
evaluated the incidence of fungus Beauveria bassiana in natural populations of Varroa destructor in acarofauna associated, and
the remains of the hive by pathogenicity tests in laboratory conditions to evaluate the effect of the biocontrol entomopathogenic
then enter in apiaries infected with the disease. According to the results obtained in the adult infestation of V. destructor in Apis
mellifera Africanized sampling Felisa made on the farm in the municipality of Los Patios, recorded rates of infestation in hives
from 3.4% to 8.3% on the infection status of breeding was 4.5% to 13.7%. In laboratory tests it was possible to observe that
the fungus B. bassiana attacked by an effective control mites without harming bees, propolis and honey allowing the insect to
continue their normal activities, controlling the disease in a biological, not chemical.

Author Biographies

Christian Chacin Zambrano, Universidad de Santander

Profesor Asociado Tiempo Completo Planta. Programa deMicrobiología Industrial UDES – Bucaramanga.

Francy Liliana Duarte, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Licenciada Biología y Química

Lisbeth Carolina Reyes, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Licenciada Biología y Química.


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How to Cite

Chacin Zambrano, C., Duarte, F. L., & Reyes, L. C. . (2013). Evaluation of the effect of Beauveria bassiana in the biological control of Varroa destructor, a parasite of honey bees (Apis mellifera) at the Felisa farm at the municipality of Patios, Norte de Santander. Innovaciencia, 1(1), 18–22. https://doi.org/10.15649/2346075X.211



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