La imagen lingüística de la concepción del mundo kazaja en el ornamento nacional


  • Zhanel Mangazina International Educational Corporation
  • Saule Berkimbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Magira Moldabayeva International Educational Corporation
  • Aislu Minayeva International Educational Corporation



Ornament, National art, Ram's horn, History, Culture


Introduction: Today a comprehensive study of the Kazakh craft is of great importance both for science and for life experience. In the third millennium, the self-identification of the peoples of the world reached a new level of research. National properties are not only monuments, but appear as objects of research through various spectrums of scientific perception. The purpose of our article is to study the linguistic representation of the Kazakh worldview in the national ornament. Materials and Methods: Along with the methods of accumulation and differentiation, the methods of comparative historical analysis are used in the research work. Results and Discussion: The problem of reflecting the linguistic picture of the world in the national ornament, which is a rich heritage of the people, a symbol of their culture, an example of the works of masters is considered in the article. Conclusions: The history, classification and elements of the art of ornamentation, which were created together with the people over the centuries and became their material and spiritual good were analyzed.


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How to Cite

Mangazina, Z., Berkimbayeva, S. ., Moldabayeva, M., & Minayeva, A. . (2022). La imagen lingüística de la concepción del mundo kazaja en el ornamento nacional. Innovaciencia, 10(1), 1–8.






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