Cadmium content and physicochemical characterization of cocoa beans and cocoa paste (Theobroma cacao).
almendras de cacao, beneficiado, cromatografía, cadmioAbstract
Introduction: heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd) are a worldwide concern; recent research has concluded that they are related to health risks caused by the ingestion of contaminated food. Objective: the objective of this research was to evaluate the cadmium content and physicochemical characteristics in almonds and cocoa paste. Materials and Methods: a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications was used to determine the significant difference between the mean of the treatments using the Duncan post hoc statistical test (p<0.05). Results: for the cadmium content in cocoa beans, values between 0.80±0.0 and 1.08±0.01 mg kg-1 of Cd+2 were determined (B200088 and B200090 consecutively); while the Cd+2 content in cocoa paste did not change significantly during processing, with values similar to those obtained in the raw material. On the other hand, in the physicochemical parameters of the almonds and cocoa paste, the following values were obtained: moisture (7.03 ± 0.02 - 7.45±0.01) and (1.25±0.01 - 1.70±0.04); ash (3.67±0.02 - 4.62±0.03) and (3.13±0.02 - 3.68±0.02); titratable acidity (0.97±0.02 - 1.29±0.02) and (0.91±0.01 - 1.23±0.02); protein content in almonds (11.21±0.02 - 14.19±0.02) and a percentage of fat in cocoa paste (46.19±0.02 - 54.16±0.04). Conclusion: the samples evaluated comply with the requirements established by national and international standards.
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