Learning in the digital age. Perspectives from the main theories.


  • Rafael David Uribe-Canónigo SENA, Tecnoparque Nodo Ocaña, Grupo de Investigación GINDET




Connectivity, Theories of Learning, Social Networks


At every moment, millions of people are connected to the internet, a network that due to its innocuousness has become a
powerful medium that makes it possible for an increasing number of people to access their resources, almost unlimited, being able to consider
them as a cultural context with social practice, because all these emerging relationships produce a great proliferation of groups of interests and
common characteristics and presence in various fields, the so-called social networks, which have generated concern and varied opinions of the
various academic disciplines. Trying to understand the phenomenon of learning in this digital age, from the perspectives given by the main
theories of learning, is not possible, it can be established that they lack two basic elements: technology and interactivity, which are
incorporated by the new paradigm of learning called Conectivismo based on the connections and the ecology of networks, which allows to
better understand this phenomenon. This analysis is presented from the perspective of the main theories of learning and of some contexts
typical of these emerging environments. In spite of finding diverse opinions that show some problems in terms of the construction of
specialized knowledge, the truth is that it is evident that these new environments foster and generate collaborative learning.

Author Biography

Rafael David Uribe-Canónigo, SENA, Tecnoparque Nodo Ocaña, Grupo de Investigación GINDET

Rafael David Uribe-Canónigo, SENA Cúcuta. MSc. en Redes Sociales, Docente del SENA Cúcuta en el área de sistemas.


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How to Cite

R. D. . Uribe-Canónigo, “Learning in the digital age. Perspectives from the main theories”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 29–33, Jul. 2017.



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