Self-healing and healing of the body with the help of neural connections of the brain


  • Liana Spytska Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



Synapse, Regeneration, Psychoemotional State, Plasticity


Introduction: The need to maintain people’s health and extend the life span of the body stimulates finding new methods of maintaining it. Today, this question is quite important, because the consequences of serious diseases cannot always be corrected, but their formation can be prevented. Therefore, the need to study the issue of self-regeneration of the body is urgent. The purpose of the article is to analyse the main methods and aspects of neuroplasticity support, as well as to highlight the main principles of the formation of new synaptic connections. Materials and Methods: Methods of analysis, generalization, systematization, comparison, and survey were used to determine the features of self-regeneration of the organism through the formation of new neural networks. Results and Discussion: The article analysed ways of forming neural connections that help and methods of improvement. It was determined which factors of the external environment affect the self-recovery process and how to ensure the reduction of the influence of harmful factors. The data obtained during the survey of people were analysed and the main differences in the way of life, as well as its influence on the properties of the brain, were determined. The article identified the most effective methods of self-recovery of the body and the trend of their popularity among the population. The obtained data were compared and the main aspects of the effectiveness of the method of healing the body with the help of neural connections were summarized. During the study, the effectiveness of popular methods of obtaining a positive result of body recovery was analysed. The influence of psycho-emotional factors on the general condition of a person was determined. Conclusions: The results of the study can help psychologists and therapists formulate special programs to avoid brain overload.


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How to Cite

Spytska, L. (2023). Self-healing and healing of the body with the help of neural connections of the brain. Innovaciencia, 11(1).



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